
Consulting/Business Developments
Based in Milano
Since 2015

Location: Milan, Istanbul

Active in: Italy, Turkey, France, Swiss, Canada, USA, Switzerland

Step in the right Direction...

Brand Development

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Step in the right Direction...

Business Development

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Step in the right Direction...

Influencer Marketing Globally

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Step in the right Direction...

PR & Press Management

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What We Do

Move your business into success

The Unlimited innovation

PLAN2H is a group of professionals focusing on business development activities for medium and large-scale companies. The process of improvement considered as a project is followed by the specialist team with the client's team.

PLAN2H is a part of client office joining them beside their main activities to improve the general process in a more productive and professional way of presenting projects to reach new projects locally and globally.


Connecting businesses, people & ideas for the future.

Business Consulting

Business & Finance

Influncer Marketing

Long Turms planing for
your unlimited Success

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Don't hesitate to contact us for additional info

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Plan2H is a Business and Brand Development Company
Based on the "Influencer Marketing" values globally.